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5 Reasons to Avoid Drinking Tap Water


The human body is 50%-60% water yet many people still do not realize the importance of drinking enough water every day. Not only do we need to drink enough water, but we need to drink the right kind of water. Quality drinking water can be difficult to find because while we are fortunate enough to have access to water that is free of disease-causing microorganisms, drinking tap water is still not a great idea. Despite government regulations, most water still has dangerous contaminants even after it has gone through municipal water treatment facilities.

In many cases, the water treatment facilities contribute to the problem because they are adding chemicals such as fluoride and chlorine to the water during the treatment process.

Fluoride was added to water supplies to prevent dental problems but more recent studies have shown that fluoride can do more harm than good. Fluoride is a chemical that is found in rat poison. When added to drinking water, it has been shown to damage the tooth enamel and increase tooth fractures. It can also suppress immune function and thyroid function while also increasing the risk of cancer and disrupting the function of the pineal gland.

Chlorine, added during the treatment process as a disinfectant, kills microorganisms but is also toxic to the human body. Chlorine is a leading cause of bladder cancer and has also been linked to rectal and breast cancer, asthma, birth defects, and premature aging of the skin.

Water regulations in the U.S. are outdated and they do not address the toxic chemicals found in tap water. As an addendum, many municipalities have corroded pipes which can possible leach toxic heavy metals into the water after the treatment process.

Other contaminants possibly in your tap water:

1. Radioactive Contaminants

Radioactive iodine-131 has been detected in drinking water samples from approximately 13 U.S. cities. Also detected at low levels in some cities – radioactive cesium and tellurium isotopes. The health implications are not yet known but the EPA is continuing to monitor the situation.

2. Pharmaceutical Drugs

There have been an increasing number of pharmaceutical drugs ranging from antibiotics and birth control pills to painkillers, antidepressants and other medications finding their way into municipal water supplies.

3. Hexavalent Chromium

An Environmental Working Group report showed that hexavalent chromium is present in high concentrations in 31 U.S. cities. This chemical has been identified as a possible carcinogen and has been made famous by the movie Erin Brokovitch which is the story of a case brought against and a gas and electric company for contaminating the water. Even though Hexavalent chromium is toxic, there are no regulations governing the presence of it in drinking water.

4. Lead, Aluminum, and Other Heavy Metals

Lead and other heavy metals will get into water if the water is carried through corroded pipes in your plumbing system. Some municipalities still transport water in lead pipes though lead consumption is shown to cause severe developmental delays and learning disorders in children. Aluminum and other heavy metals are linked to nerve, brain, and kidney damage.

5. Arsenic

Arsenic is known to be carcinogenic but as many as 56 million Americans are drinking tap water that contains unsafe levels of arsenic.
If you are concerned about fluoride, chlorine, and other chemicals found in your drinking water you do have options.

Red Lilly Plumbing in the Greater Los Angeles area are professionals who can help to address your concerns. They are expert plumbing re-pipe specialists and can discuss potable water systems with you. Keep your family’s drinking water safe – get in touch with a specialist who can ensure clean, chemical free drinking water.
