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Why You Might Notice Your Water Turn Brown This Winter


Picture this: You’re getting ready to take a bath after a long day. You turn on the hot water and spend a moment trying to balance the temperature to a comfortable level when — wait, is the water brown?

Why is my water brown?

There are many reasons your tub or sink could be spouting brown water. Typically, a buildup of sediment, rust, or minerals may be enough to discolor water, but if this is the case, the question becomes, “What is stirring up these minerals in the first place?”

4 Reasons Your Water is Discolored

Check these four sources (or have your local plumber check them out for you):

  1. Corrosion. Older plumbing made from iron can break down over time. Whether caused by general wear and tear or manufactured problems such as corrosion due to chemical drain cleaners, if your pipes are corroding, you’ll need to know as soon as possible.
  2. Rust. If you’ve recently had your plumbing inspected or a water line replaced, your water could be brown simply because the installation caused loose sediment like rust to break free and discolor the water.
  3. Pollution. Rainwater carries all kinds of pollutants from the outside world with it. Pesticides, dirt and minerals, and other chemicals could all be causing brown water in your home.
  4. Change in your water source. Check with your municipal water supplier to see if they changed the location you get your water from recently. Changing sources can disrupt the water flow and distort its properties (like color) as it settles into its new role.

There’s no need to worry about the quality of your water or any plumbing problems when you have the trusted and experienced plumbers of Red Lilly Plumbing on your side! Contact our team online or by phone at (323) 319-4102 to schedule an appointment today.
